Jacobar Jacobar
Jacobar Jacobar

Life Is How You Design It Animated Video


Illustration / Animation / Video


Design is our business, but we are playfully using the word in this tagline to mean both the professional field of graphic design, branding and marketing that our company is a part of, and something much bigger. For our clients, and our audience, it’s about the decisions we all make, every day, that determine the “design” of our lives. And it’s the intersection of this with our Jacober Creative work that we hope both inspires and delights. We wanted a fun animated video version that we could use through all social media platforms.

Our Approach

We came up with the idea for a retro video game style look (Pacman anyone?). It's a colorful, pop-inspired, hooky bauble that personifies our motto and who we are. It made a big splash (oceans and mermaids are our raison d'être)!